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She Is Unleashed Head Shot Event

fun read - 01 min watch - 02 min Feb 21, 2024

I thought I'd talk about something which is a bit out of the ordinary for me! I went to a headshot event that was organised by a local networking group I belong to called She Is Unleashed.

They organised this event for members to come and have some fun but also get some photos that can be used for professional purposes but also on social media posts.

Everyone there was SO lovely, I met people from some of the other groups as the event was organised for all members from any of the groups and it was a great success.

Kim and Annemaree, the two ladies who run the group, organised an amazing spread, there were bubbles and orange juice, so we all ended up making mimosas, Jina, the makeup artist, was touching up make up in the one corner and Casey the photographer was doing what she does best, directing each of us in turn as to how to hold our hands, tilt our head to the side and put our chin forward in a specific way, so that it would look good in the photo!

She made it all so easy and we know it's going to look great even though at the time it was feeling a little uncomfortable!

We each had photos done in two different outfits, both standing and sitting down. We were told to bring props, so I took my laptop and totally forgot to even take it out! Oh well, might have to be a next time thing.

I think the event was a huge success and I am sure they will be having more of these.

Even though this was about having a bit of fun, it's also about being organised as the whole event wouldn't have happened if they weren't organised and having gone, I'm getting organised with some great shots I can use for my business and some of my social media posts!! Killed two birds with one stone there!!

If you're interested at looking at the social media posts for any of these lovely ladies, check out their Instagram handles:  Kim & Annemaree (@sheisunleashednz), Casey (@casey_vanliefde) and Jina (!

Enjoy the rest of your week and see you next week!

Big hugs till next time!

PS: I know February is almost over, but it's never too late to start planning, so download your free 2024 annual planner and if you'd like updated calendar every year, make sure you select the YES radio button.

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