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Instagram and Facebook Accounts in a Mess?

organizing read - 01 min watch - 02 min Mar 05, 2024

I got the most awesome client review from Lauren from @greenhouse_bylauren and it was such an unexpected and pleasant surprise!

Lauren is one of my IG OrganiSZer students and she was having trouble with her IG and Facebook accounts as they were incorrectly linked, she didn't have two-factor authentication set up and she wasn't quite as organized as what she wanted to be.

Lauren is a graphic designer so she put together this amazing graphic design course where she teaches you how to pick your brand colours, how to go about picking your brand fonts and then what sort of photography will suite your brand and she also teaches you how to make your own graphics elements to use on your social media posts which is SO amazing. It is such a well thought-out, put together and structured course it really turns graphic design into a paint by number exercise and it is SUCH FUN!

Excuse the digression, but I just had to tell you how great Lauren's course is!

Anyway, in a jiffy, we got her accounts straightened out, sorted out the two-factor authentication and Lauren then worked through my course and has found it hugely helpful with getting and keeping things organized.

The short story here is if something is causing you grief in your business because it's not organiezd or it's not working the way you want it to, don't tolerate it as it will cost you time and money. Give yourself the time to get it sorted out and you will eliminate the frustration as well as the time wasting!

My mantra for the day is: "Be wise—organiSZe!"

Enjoy the rest of your week and see you next week!

Big hugs till next time!

PS: We've just started March so now is a great time to plan your social media posts or events for Easter! Why not download your free planner and get cracking! Make sure you select the YES radio button so you'll get the updated one for next year.


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