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Hi, I’m Ursula! I wanted to share a bit more about who I am with you!

Hi, I’m Ursula!
I wanted to share a bit more about who I am with you!

I love helping people organize their digital 'stuff' but there IS life outside of organizing!

I am happily married, second time round to Spyda and we have three children between us, all independent adults, living their own lives. We also have a little grand daughter, my son's little girl and although we may not see each other that often, we are a close-knit family.

Other than family and friends I have many passions in life as the images above probably show you!

One of my favourite things is to go for motorbike rides with my husband and friends on hot summer days and during the crisp, clear winter days too, when it's not raining!

Flying is another thing I love doing! I started my private pilot's licence but life happened, so I never actually got my licence. I did take a 'look Ma no hands' photograph of the Mount which is still one of my favourites and I'll never say no to a glider or helicopter flight here and there!

Another thing I love doing is going diving and fishing with Spyda. We enjoy these adventurous activities together and have done a number of shark dives in the open water in Fiji and aquariums in Australia.

Having other passions outside of organizing allows me to focus fully on and enjoy it when I'm helping clients!

Organizing you into more freedom

Like you, I use Instagram to promote my business, the IG OrganiSZer® and it takes effort to create the quality content that's needed.

When we're not organized, we're less efficient at promoting your business and we all know what that leads to—less sales!

Imagine how relieved you'd feel, knowing where all your content is, that it's organized, easily accessible and your posting will take 5 minutes and not hours? How freeing would that be?!

What you will learn

Not being able to find your content when you need it wastes valuable time and causes stress & frustration. I've created the IG OrganiSZer® system to solve these problems for you.

Through a self-paced, online course I'll teach you:

  • where to save your content;
  • what file names to use; and
  • how to organize it all;

which will take away the stress of managing your Instagram life.

If you're not naturally organized, it's a skill that can be learned.


I've worked in many industries where I've had to organize many things - projects, paper filing systems, electronic files, documentation. And I have loved all of it.

Having grown and matured into my organizational ability, for most of my life I have been under the impression that if I could do something, everyone else could do it too.

Turns out, this is very much NOT the case. Just because I have a natural skill, it doesn't mean that everyone else has it too—but I can teach you this skill of how to get and stay organized.

I love people and I love helping people succeed.


When I see business owners struggle with creating the content for their Instagram posts, then not being able to find it when they need to post it, I just want to help! 

It's really not hard to be organized. I think for most people the biggest stumbling block, is not knowing where to start. That's why I put together my free webinar that gives you 5 easy steps to follow, that will get you started on getting your social media content organized.

Over the stress of Instagramming?

Here's what to do if you're ready to change that!


Subscribe to my newsletter and get regular insights on how to organize content and stay organized on all platforms. Includes a 15% discount on your first purchase.



Maybe the most valuable 20 minutes of your life? Learn 5 key steps to start organizing your Instagram content. Watch out for the special discount.



Don't reinvent the wheel! Buy the IG OrganiSZer® today and jump right into organizing your Instagram content without delay.


Do you know where you saved your last file?

Being organized is not difficult, all you need is a system that's easy to implement and follow, which is what the IG OrganiSZer® is—a custom built system, based on software you more than likely already use.

Follow this rinse-and-repeat strategy and dissolve the stress around your Instagramming!

digital content tool IGOrganiszer course overview

Learn my 5 key steps to start getting your content organized today!

All it will take to get you going is 20 minutes of your time to watch my FREE online training and you'll have your starting point to eliminating the irritation of never finding the content you need to post now!

Look out for the special offer email.

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