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Organizational What?

organizing read - 03 min Dec 12, 2023

Organizational What??

What is organizational excellence?

According to Google, this is one of the very many definitions of Organizational Excellence…

"Organizational excellence is defined as the ongoing efforts to establish an internal framework of standards and processes intended to engage and motivate employees to deliver products and services that fulfil customer requirements within business expectations."

My definition of digital organizational excellence is the following:

"Implementing and maintaining a system that provides clear guidelines on how to name, organize and filter your digital files so that you always know where to find what you are looking for."

There are a few key elements to attaining this 'digital organizational excellence'.

Recognize the Problem

Firstly, if you've been frustrated by 'missing' files, wasted too much time with 'lost stuff' but haven't realised this is a problem that needs solving—no system will work for you, no matter HOW good it is.

Find a System

Secondly, if you have realised you've got a problem the system you use, needs to work with your way of thinking so that it's easiest for you to use. A system that doesn't fit with how your brain works—will not work, no matter HOW good it is.

Use it Consistently

Thirdly, if you’ve realised your problem needs fixing and you've found a fit-for-purpose solution, unless you use it consistently, your files will remain mess—no matter HOW good the system is.

EXECUTION is the key to making the whole thing work for you.

Unless you 'do the doing', nothing will happen! That's been reinforced for me recently—just HOW important this 'doing' read EXECUTION is. Check out The 12 Week Year by Brian Moran and Michael Lennington.

The System Works...If You Use It

Thirdly, if you’ve realised your problem needs fixing and you've found a fit-for-purpose solution, unless you use it consistently, your files will remain mess—no matter HOW good the system is.

Even with my own systems to keep my files and those of my client's organized, due to work pressure, I neglected implementing my own systems and I created a huge mess—only in one place though!

To save my sanity, I spent the necessary time to sort out the mess, to save my future self, time going forward. It took me an hour and a half to reorganize the files!

I can't tell you how much time I have spent looking for those various files but it was too much! I know going forward, I will not be wasting any time finding information as it's now, all at my fingertips.

My systems will consistently be implemented to save me time and frustration in future!

As always, my suggestion is, if you've accepted that your digital world is a mess and you'd like to get it sorted, start TODAY. Don't waste time sorting out old files, unless you use or reference them often but come up with a system and start organizing today—don't leave it until tomorrow, just start today!

If you have any questions about this, please contact me and I'd be happy to help.

Big hugs till next time!

PS: If you'd like to have a chat about organizing your digital 'stuff' book a free, half an hour coffee (or something else) catch-up!


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