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Organizational Apps Series: Episode 5 - Asana

organizing read - 03 min watch - 05 min Jan 18, 2023

Organizational Apps Episode 5: Asana

Software Provider

Asana is a software company based in California, USA that specialises in work management and productivity. There are free and paid versions, starting at US$14.99 per month.

Operating Systems

The Asana software is available on PC and Mac, on desktop & mobile apps and online.

Primary Use

Asana is project management software which can be used by small and large companies.

Basic Functionality

There are lots of different project templates and the functionality is the same on Windows and iOS devices, with the obvious key stroke differences. There is a whole page dedicated to keyboard shortcuts which shows the keystrokes for the relevant operating systems.

15 members can collaborate on the free version and you can add guests, who can only see projects they're assigned to. You can create as many projects as you want.

Tasks can have sub- and sub-sub-tasks, so main tasks can have many small chunks. You can write notes on sub-tasks, paste images, insert links and @mention team members.

The free version has a board option which looks like Tello with To Do, Doing and Done lists, to which you can add your own.

Due dates on tasks shows them in the calendar view on the due date but for a timeline of tasks with start and end dates, you need to upgrade. For reporting and project progress you also have to upgrade to the paid version as well as for advanced search functionality.

On tasks you can add headings, write a description add sub-tasks. Notes can be added to sub-tasks as you progress and they can be marked as Done when finished. Text formatting is limited but is sufficient.

Each task has a comments section which allows conversations with team members about the task and you can message members as well.


Hope this was useful and as always if you have any questions about Asana, please send me an email!


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