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Organizational Apps Series: Episode 2 - Trello

organizing read - 03 watch - 10 min Dec 06, 2022

Organizational Apps Episode 2: Trello

Software Provider

Trello is an Atlassian product and has a free and paid versions, starting at US$5/mnth. You can use any email address you have to sign up.

Operating Systems

Trello works on both Mac and PC through a desktop app as well as through an Internet browser.

There are apps for mobile devices which means you can work on Trello from anywhere and you can also work on the same Trello boards from both PC and Mac.

Primary Use

Trello is workflow app. It has boards that have lists onto which you put tickets or cards that you need to work on, so it's a flat structure and has no three-dimensionality to it.

Basic Functionality

Typically the templates contain 'To Do', 'Working On list' and 'Done' lists but you can add as many lists as you want to. You can change the order of your lists on your board as you like.

On the tickets you can add headings, write a description and add notes as you progress with the tasks.

You can insert graphs, images and videos but the file size is limited to 10MB and you can add automations to the tickets, so for instance if you click ,\'Done' the ticket automatically moves to a different predetermined list you've set.

With Trello you can also insert links to local files, other boards as well as external URLs, as you can with OneNote.

There is no text formatting capability but you can add a cover and you can create your own labels and pick which colors you want to use from a limited number of colors.

You can search your board but I have heard from one user that the search functionality is not that great. I haven't really used that functionality myself.

You can add up to 5,000 tickets per board but after 1,000 tickets, performance will suffer particularly if you have lots of large attachments.

I use Trello in conjunction with OneNote for the workflow aspect, as it does not provide sufficient capability as a note taking and information organizing tool as well.


Hope this was useful and as always if you have any questions about Trello, please send me an email!


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